18. Which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?which side of the mountain experience low temperature
1. 18. Which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?which side of the mountain experience low temperature
Answer:Windward side.
The windward side is the side of the mountain that has the lower temperatures. This is due to the much higher precipitation that the windward side experiences, and that it has much more cloudy days, while the leeward side is much drier and has much more sunny days.
The side of the mountain that is in the shade experiences low temperature. The side of the mountain that is exposed to the sun experiences high temperature.
2. Which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?
Windward side, I hope this helps :)at the reach top of the mountain.
3. which side of the mountain experience low temperature
If you are talking about windward and leeward, windward is the answer.
4. Which side of the mountain experience s low temperature?
The windward
The windward side is the side of the mountain that has the lower temperatures. This is due to the much higher precipitation that the windward side experiences, and that it has much more cloudy days, while the leeward side is much drier and has much more sunny days. 2.
5. which side of the mountain experiences low temperature? high temperature?
The windward
• The windward side is the side of the mountain that has the lower temperatures. This is due to the much higher precipitation that the windward side experiences, and that it has much more cloudy days, while the leeward side is much drier and has much more sunny days.
Leeward side
• The side of the mountain that experiences the high temperature is the leeward side because the side that experiences low temperature is the windward side.
6. which side of the mountain experiences low temperature
the side the wind is blowing against
7. which side of the mountain experiences low temperature!
Answer: The northeast side experiences the lowest temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, it would be the southeast. These are the slopes facing away from the sun during the warmest hours of the day. They also tend to be the most glaciated, although glaciation is also affected by wind: slopes facing away from prevailing winds will tend to accumulate more glacier-forming snow, provided it persists through multiple Summers.
8. which side of mountain experience low temperature
Windward Side
The windward side is the side of the mountain that has the lower temperatures. This is due to the much higher precipitation that the windward side experiences, and that it has much more cloudy days, while the leeward side is much drier and has much more sunny days.
pa brainliest po :)
9. Which side of mountain experiences low temperature
Which side of mountain experiences low temperature
The answer is windward side The windward is the side facing the prevailing wind (upwind).
• Mountain ranges act as barriers to the flow of air across the surface of the earth. When a piece of warm air travels from a low valley region to the foothills of a mountain range, it is forced to rise along the mountain side as it encounters higher terrain. As the air rises up the mountain side, it cools as it rises (a process known as adiabatic cooling). This cooling often results in the formation of clouds and, at the end of the day, precipitation falling on the windward slope and at the summit. Known as orographic lifting, this event is one of three ways precipitation can form (the other two are frontal wedge and convection).
For more information visit this link:
10. which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?
the peak of the mountain
11. which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?
i hope it help
ANSWER:which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?
Windward sideEXPLANATION:the windward is a wind that goes on reference direction above where the wind goes. the wideward side is a wind that blows backwards on the side of the mountain side with low temperature
12. which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?
the upper side of the mountain experience low temperature because it is in the upper part of the atmosphere
13. Which side of the mountain experience the low temperature?
Windward side
The windward side is that side which faces the prevailing wind (upwind).Mountain ranges acts as barriers to the flow of air across the surface of the earth. When a parcel of warm air travels from a low valley region to the foothills of a mountain range, it is forced to rise along the slope of the mountain as it encounters higher terrain. As the air is lifted up the mountain slope, it cools as it rises (a process known as adiabatic cooling). This cooling often results in the formation of clouds, and eventually, precipitation which falls on the windward slope and at the summit. Known as orographic lifting, this event is one of three ways precipitation can form (the other two are frontal wedging and convection).Explanation:
The main differences in climate of mountains are temperature and moisture.
What is the climate like on mountains?
The temperature on mountains becomes colder the higher the altitude gets. Mountains tend to have much wetter climates than the surrounding flat land.What is the weather like on mountains?
Mountain weather conditions can change dramatically from one hour to the next. For example, in just a few minutes a thunder storm can roll in when the sky was perfectly clear, and in just a few hours the temperatures can drop from extremely hot temperatures to temperatures that are below freezing.Why do mountains receive more rainfall?
They receive more rainfall than low lying areas because the temperature on top of mountains is lower than the temperature at sea level. Winds carry moist air over the land. When air reaches the mountain, it rises because the mountains are in the way. As the air rises, it cools, and because cool air can carry less moisture than warm air, there is usually precipitation (rain).Why does the temperature become colder the higher up a Mountain?
Generally the climate on mountains get progressively colder with increased altitude (the higher up you go). This happens because as altitude increases, air becomes thinner and is less able to absorb and retain heat. The cooler the temperature the less evaporation there is, meaning that there is more moisture in the air.For additional information regarding temperature on mountain just click this link:
14. which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?
The side of the mountain which experiences low temperature is the Windward side. I hope this helps :)the downmost part of the mountain i think
15. Which Side of the Mountain Experiences Low Temperature
the windward side of the mountain, upwindthe side of the mountain that experiencing low temperature is the windward side
16. 16. Which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?
Windward side
Windward side. The windward side is the side of the mountain that has the lower temperatures. This is due to the much higher precipitation that the windward side experiences, and that it has much more cloudy days, while the leeward side is much drier and has much more sunny days.
Windward side
The windward side is the side of the mountain that has the lower temperatures. This is due to the much higher precipitation that the windward side experiences, and that it has much more cloudy days, while the leeward side is much drier and has much more sunny days
17. which side of the mountain experience low temperature?why?
The side that face ocean/sea/ bodies of water ( windward side ) because that is the side the wind reaches first... because the air cools as it rises some of the moisture condenses resulting in rain or snow
18. which side of the mountain experience low temperature
Of course the windward side.Why?
Because that side is where the air is blowing,so as the air moves up,it expand,cools and condense and it can form clouds.shempre the result is precipitation on that side.
19. which side of the mountain experiences low temperature
windward will experience low temperature
at the top part of a mountain20. Which side of the mountain experience s low temperature
Windward side
The windward side is the side of the mountain that has the lower temperatures. This is due to the much higher precipitation that the windward side experiences, and that it has much more cloudy days, while the leeward side is much drier and has much more sunny days.
Windward side
>The windward side is the side of the mountain that has the lower temperatures
21. which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?
windward side
---The Windward Side is the answer to which side of the mountain experiences low temperature.---
22. Q18. Which side of the mountain experiences low temperature?
The north side of the mountain tends to experience lower temperatures due to the fact that it is shaded from the sun by the mountain.
23. Which side of a mountain experiences low temperature?
the leewrd side of the mountain
24. which side of the mountain experience low temperature
The side of the mountain which experiences lower temperature is the one who is offset from the sun and who is at the highest elevation of the mountain.
25. which side of mountain experiences low temperature
Windward side. The windward side is the side of the mountain that has the lower temperatures. This is due to the much higher precipitation that the windward side experiences, and that it has much more cloudy days, while the leeward side is much drier and has much more sunny days
AnswerWindward sideWindward side. The windward side is the side of the mountain that has the lower temperatures. This is due to the much higher precipitation that the windward side experiences, and that it has much more cloudy days, while the leeward side is much drier and has much more sunny days.
26. Which side of the mountain experience s low temperature!
the windward side experience lower temperature
27. Which side of mountain experience low temperature?
The windward side of mountain experience low temperature. In that side, it is cool and moist
the windward side because the air that reaches the area still carries moisture, which when released will help in lowering the temperature of an area
28. which side of the mountain experiences low temperature
the windward side will have low temperature since it receives more rainfall and is on the side that wind is blowing
29. Which side of mountain experiences low temperature
the lowest one. because i like it
30. which side of the mountain experience low temperature ?
The Windward side it is the side where cool,moist and low temperature.